Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Third Gathering of The Philadelphia Trainers' Collaborative

The Philadelphia Trainers' Collaborative is a newly-forming group of community educators, organizers, and trainers who believe in and practice education to transform people and communities. Through regular gatherings, we strive to create a space for educators to gain skills, share ideas, brainstorm, and try out new approaches.

You bring up topics you'd like to discuss with other educators & trainers - ANY topics that relate to participatory education, organizing, and training. Groups will form according to interest.

Some of the questions/interests we've heard of at previous gatherings:
*Grappling with issues of oppression as a trainer vis-a-vis your audience
*Implementing project-based learning at a program site
*Brainstorming about a new workshop you're developing
*Involving the faith community in your organizing work

We'll also share some more ever-popular ice-breakers, so bring your best!

When: Thursday, January 28, 2010, from 6:00pm-8:00pm

Where: Bread and Roses, 1500 Walnut Street, 3rd floor conference room

Refreshments will be provided.

There is a suggested $5-10 donation per gathering to cover costs.

Note: Space is limited to 25 participants. Please RSVP to ensure a spot.

To RSVP, or if you have any questions, please contact: Or find us on Facebook. Newcomers are welcome!

We thank Bread and Roses for the use of their space!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

3rd Gathering of the Philadelphia Trainers' Collaborative

Join us for our 3rd gathering! This time, you bring up topics you'd like to discuss with other educators & trainers - ANY topics that relate to participatory education, organizing, and training. Groups will form according to interest.

Some of the questions/interests we've heard of at previous gatherings:
*Grappling with issues of oppression as a trainer vis-a-vis your audience
*Implementing project-based learning at a program site
*Brainstorming about a new workshop you're developing
*Involving the faith community in your organizing work

We'll also get into some more ever-popular icebreakers, so bring your best!
