Monday, April 15, 2013

Using Participatory Education in Organizing

Wednesday, April 24 
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Location: PhilaPosh, 3001 Walnut St., 5th Floor (AFSCME DC 33 building)

RSVP here.
We are interested in how PTC can be a resource for organizing efforts happening in and around Philadelphia!
Are you using participatory and/or popular education approaches in your organizing and movement-building work?  Would you like to be?  Bring your examples, questions, ideas, and best practices.  Share, discuss, and network with other organizers, community workers, and trainers.  If you have a short activity that you use in your organizing work that you want to share at the gathering, please let us know on the RSVP form.
We will use Open Space Technology - a discussion / sharing format that allows for the participants to focus on topics that they are most interested in - to explore the use of participatory and popular education in organizing work. 

Facilitators:  PTC members Susanna Gilbertson & Hillary Blecker will be facilitating introductions and setting up the Open Space.
